The Lakewood Masonic Temple, Lakewood, Ohiio The Lakewood Masonic Foundation
Historic Preservation · Charity · Education


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Masonic Temple

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  Holy Grail KT
  Ann Rutledge OES
  Cleveland Beauceant
  Lakewood DeMolay


Our quarterly newsletter, The Foundation Light, contains news of our Foundation, our Lakewood Masonic Temple, the several organizations that comprise our Lakewood Masonic Family and topics in Masonic education.  Current and archival issues are available in PDF format via the links below.

Current Newsletter

Adobe Reader File Vol 21 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2024 - Under the Double Eagle!! Masonic Musings . . .

Newsletter Archives

Adobe Reader File Vol 21 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2024 - Our History as a Lakewood Community Center
Adobe Reader File Vol 21 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2024 - Every Small Step Helps Preserve Our Home

Adobe Reader File Vol 20 No 3 -- Dec-Jan Feb 2023-24 - Lakewood Masonic Foundation Marks 20 Years
Adobe Reader File Vol 20 No 2 -- Jun-Nov 2023 - Our Lakewood Masonic Family Centennials
Adobe Reader File Vol 20 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2023 - Cleveland Beauceant Celebrates Its Centennial

Adobe Reader File Vol 19 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2022-23 - A Sense of Normalcy Returns, at a Cost
Adobe Reader File Vol 19 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2022 - Lakewood Masons Reach Out
Adobe Reader File Vol 19 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2022 - Back to the Future, Lakewood Style
Adobe Reader File Vol 19 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2022 - English Emulation Ritual in Lakewood

Adobe Reader File Vol 18 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2021-22 - If It's Not One Thing, It's Another
Adobe Reader File Vol 18 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2021 - Lakewood Council R&SM Marks 100th
Adobe Reader File Vol 18 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2021 - Ann Rutledge OES Celebrates 100 Years
Adobe Reader File Vol 18 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2021 - Holy Grail Commandery Centennial

Adobe Reader File Vol 17 No 3 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2020-21 - . . . And Happily Meet Again!
Adobe Reader File Vol 17 No 2 -- Jun-Nov 2020 - Clifton-Allen Lodge Reconsecrated
Adobe Reader File Vol 17 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2020 - Clifton Lodge Celebrates 100 Years

Adobe Reader File Vol 16 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2019-20 - An Historic Year Unfolds in Lakewood
Adobe Reader File Vol 16 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2019 - Our Lakewood Masonic Family Expands
Adobe Reader File Vol 16 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2019 - A Community Asset Since 1916
Adobe Reader File Vol 16 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2019 - Lakewood - A Happening Place

Adobe Reader File Vol 15 No 3 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2018-19 - When Preservation = Charity
Adobe Reader File Vol 15 No 2 -- Jun-Nov 2018 - Replace Yourself - Ensuring Our Future One Brother at a Time
Adobe Reader File Vol 15 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2018 - Tri-Youth Day Comes to Lakewood

Adobe Reader File Vol 14 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2017-18 - Charity - The Greatest Masonic Virtue?
Adobe Reader File Vol 14 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2017 - 22nd District Celebrates UGLE 300th at Lakewood
Adobe Reader File Vol 14 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2017 - Grand Lodge of England Celebrates Tercentenary
Adobe Reader File Vol 14 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2017 - Beginning a New Century in Our Historic Home

Adobe Reader File Vol 13 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2016-17 - Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter Rededicate Our Lakewood Masonic Temple on Our Centennial
Adobe Reader File Vol 13 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2016 - Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter to Rededicate Lakewood Masonic Temple Sunday October 30
Adobe Reader File Vol 13 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2016 - Our Temple Endowment Fund Celebrates 30 Years
Adobe Reader File Vol 13 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2016 - Miss Job's Daughter Pageant Comes to Lakewood

Adobe Reader File Vol 12 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2015-16 - A Temple Rises in Lakewood
Adobe Reader File Vol 12 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2015 - Grand Master Cokonougher Lays Centennial Stone
Adobe Reader File Vol 12 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2015 - James W. Chrisford, Architect and Builder
Adobe Reader File Vol 12 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2015 - Grand Master Lays Centennial Cornerstone May 30

Adobe Reader File Vol 11 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2014-15 - Making Important Choices for the Future
Adobe Reader File Vol 11 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2014 - Clifton-Gaston Allen Lodge Celebrates a Century
Adobe Reader File Vol 11 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2014 - Decisions, Decisions . . . Our Sewing Bee Room
Adobe Reader File Vol 11 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2014 - Mining the Quarries to Fund Our Masonic Temple

Adobe Reader File Vol 10 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2013-14 - Lakewood Masonic Foundation Celebrates 10 Years
Adobe Reader File Vol 10 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2013 - The Development of Freemasonry in Lakewood
Adobe Reader File Vol 10 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2013 - Making a Down Payment on the Future
Adobe Reader File Vol 10 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2013 - Cunningham Chapter Centennial Sparks Rebirth

Adobe Reader File Vol 9 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2012-13 - The French & Andrews Fruit Farm
Adobe Reader File Vol 9 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2012 - Finding the Site for a Lakewood Masonic Temple
Adobe Reader File Vol 9 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2012 - Lakewood Masonic Temple Company Turns 100
Adobe Reader File Vol 9 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2012 - Lakewood's First Masonic Hall

Adobe Reader File Vol 8 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2011-12 - The Site of Lakewood's First Masonic Hall
Adobe Reader File Vol 8 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2011 - Happy 95th Birthday, Lakewood Masonic Temple!
Adobe Reader File Vol 8 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2011 - Happy 100th Birthday, City of Lakewood!
Adobe Reader File Vol 8 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2011 - Painting a Better Picture of Ourselves

Adobe Reader File Vol 7 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2010-11 - Civic Engagement--Are We Bowling Alone?
Adobe Reader File Vol 7 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2010 - Engaging With Our Communities
Adobe Reader File Vol 7 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2010 - City Awards Our Historic Preservation Efforts
Adobe Reader File Vol 7 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2010 - Back to the Future--An Evolutionary Tale

Adobe Reader File Vol 6 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2009-10 - Built to Last For Many Generations
Adobe Reader File Vol 6 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2009 - Our Historic Organ on the International Stage
Adobe Reader File Vol 6 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2009 - Pleasing Notes and Harmonies
Adobe Reader File Vol 6 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2009 - Surviving Life In The Twilight Zone

Adobe Reader File Vol 5 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2008-09 - Built to Last--A Legacy Entrusted to Us
Adobe Reader File Vol 5 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2008 - A Community Asset--This Place Matters!
Adobe Reader File Vol 5 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2008 - Lakewood Lodge Celebrates Its Centennial
Adobe Reader File Vol 5 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2008 - Will You Join Our Parade?

Adobe Reader File Vol 4 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2007-08 - Our Top Level Need--Replacing Windows
Adobe Reader File Vol 4 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2007 - Time, Patience and Perseverance
Adobe Reader File Vol 4 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2007 - Raindrops Keep Falling On Our Home
Adobe Reader File Vol 4 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2007 - A Snapshot in Time

Adobe Reader File Vol 3 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2006-07 - Operative Masonry in Action in Lakewood
Adobe Reader File Vol 3 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2006 - Photographs Are Windows Into History
Adobe Reader File Vol 3 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2006 - Our War Against Water Streams Along
Adobe Reader File Vol 3 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2006 - Leaky Windows Come Into Focus

Adobe Reader File Vol 2 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2005-06 - Our Foundation Makes Its First Grants
Adobe Reader File Vol 2 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2005 - Let There Be Light--But Not Rain, Snow or Sleet
Adobe Reader File Vol 2 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2005 - Gutters At Bat, Windows On Deck
Adobe Reader File Vol 2 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2005 - Water, From Top to Bottom

Adobe Reader File Vol 1 No 4 -- Dec-Jan-Feb 2004-05 - Water, Water Everywhere--But Not Always Where You Want It!
Adobe Reader File Vol 1 No 3 -- Sep-Oct-Nov 2004 - Investing in Tomorrow--Bequeathing a Lasting Legacy
Adobe Reader File Vol 1 No 2 -- Jun-Jul-Aug 2004 - The Foundation and The Endowment Fund--What's the Difference?
Adobe Reader File Vol 1 No 1 -- Mar-Apr-May 2004 - A New Day Dawns in Lakewood--Foundation, Newsletter Debut

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City of Lakewood 2010 Historic Preservation Award Winner

Our Community Partnerships

Lakewood Alive - An Economic Development Corporation

Downtown Lakewood - An Ohio Main Street Program

Light Up Lakewood Lakewood Arts Festival Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation

© 2004-24 The Lakewood Masonic Foundation | Lakewood, Ohio 44107 | + | Webmaster

Page Last Updated 2 September 2024