Ann Rutledge Chapter Home  Ann Rutledge Chapter #453
 Order of the Eastern Star of Ohio
  Stated Meetings First & Third Wednesdays 1:30 p.m.


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Chapter Calendar

September 2024
4   Wed   1:30p   Stated Meeting - 103rd Birthday Celebration
18   Wed   1:30p   Stated Meeting
26-29   Thur-Sun      Grand Chapter - Cincinnati
October 2024
2   Wed   1:30p   Stated Meeting - Grand Chapter Report - Celebrate July-October Birthdays
16   Wed   1:30p   Stated Meeting - Neighbor Chapters Invited for Halloween Trick or Treat
November 2024
6   Wed   1:30p   Stated Meeting - Farewell - Installation Rehearsal Follows
9   Sat   2:00p   Special Meeting - Installation of Officers
20   Wed   1:30p   Stated Meeting - Thanksgiving Celebration
December 2024
4   Wed   1:30p   Stated Meeting
18   Wed   1:30p   Stated Meeting

© 2004-24 The Lakewood Masonic Foundation | Lakewood, Ohio 44107 | + | Webmaster

Page Last Updated 1 September 2024